Elandré and Rikus were originally supposed to tie the knot in May 2020, but with Covid-19 closing provincial borders, we had to move it out to the end of October. A great move, I think, as a lover of summer!

We drove up into the Agatha Forest in Magoebaskloof, the perfect place for the wedding they had always dreamed of. The guest list consisted of their parents, Elandré’s cousin and the minister and his wife and two of their beautiful dogs – one who was the ring bearer and the other was there for support with this daunting task.

It was another relaxed wedding day, with everyone enjoying the mountain views while getting ready at their own pace. The ceremony was set deep in the forest and a delicious dinner was served afterwards on the deck at the beautiful Granny Dot’s Country Spot.

Elandré and Rikus, you guys were so much fun to work with and I’m so happy we eventually got to create the perfect day together! Love triumphs over Covid! And thanks for bringing Coco & Hazel, there should be dogs at every wedding 🙂



The great team behind this elopement…

Venue, accommodation and catering – Granny Dot’s Country Spot| Hair & Makeup – Karin Roode Professional Make-up and Bridal Hair | Photographer – Film & Fiesta | Planning, flowers, décor and on the day coordination – Runaway Romance



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